Weihenstephaner Kristall Weissbier
It’s Oktoberfest so German beer is in order. I started my tour with a Kristall Weissbier from Weihenstephaner which is a filtered wheat beer. Kristall is an indicator of the clarity of the style. Wheat beers are normally cloudy or hazy due to the yeast and the absence of husks that unlike barley, wheat lacks. The barley grain husk provides a natural filter. German Purity Law (Reinheitsgebot) requires wheat beers include at least 50% wheat malt.
This sample pours a bright gold with a huge, white, rocky head that lasted forever.
The aroma is predominately clove followed by some fruity esters and some banana and finally a nice malty nose.
Clove and malty sweetness at the start of the flavor profile followed by faint dry, bubblegum finish. Clean, crisp and refreshing.